
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Eruption of Mount Merapi Accompanied by Thunder and Lava Glow

Eruption of Mount Merapi, which re-occurred on Saturday (30/10) at around 0:16 am bigger than before. Eruptions are accompanied by loud rumbling sound, lava, and ash rain came down to the settlement residents in Jalan Kaliurang Kilometer 19, Yogyakarta. These conditions make people panic. "His voice boomed, like lightning," said Parti, refugees [read: Merapi eruption, Refugee Panic].
Incandescent lava and hot clouds this time pointing to the southwest, namely the Krasak with sliding distance of 10 kilometers. Pekatnya night and thick clouds of Mount Merapi to make invisible. Rain also fell with heavy ash. Residents who live in the hamlet of Turgo and Srumbung evacuated to avoid falling victim.
Merapi eruption also leads to the South. Residents who already occupy refugee Umbulharjo village should be evacuated. They moved to the new refugee camps in the village of renege, District Cangkringan, Sleman.
As a result of the eruption, the fallen trees. Residents helped the volunteers clean up and trim the tree blocking the road by using improvised tools, such as sickle and the machete. Meanwhile, the access road connecting with Hamlet Hamlet Umbulharjo Petung in District Cangkringan disrupted due to the collapse of hundreds of bamboo trees.
Data Center Kegunungapian Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Yogyakrta mention, Merapi erupted early this morning accompanied by a burst of hot clouds for 21 minutes. As a result of the eruption, raining ash reached up to some of the city of Yogyakarta [read: Rain Abu, Yogyakarta Need Masks].
BPPTK asking residents in disaster-prone areas of Merapi to remain vigilant because the most active in Indonesia was not yet stable.

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